And the lack thereof
Breathe in...Breathe out...
Breathe in...Breathe out...
Breathe in...Breathe out...
Domain of Spirit
It is that most untouchable place—neither addicted to applause nor crippled by criticism. It is the purest essence of our nature. That space where we simply...ARE.
Some call it chi or ki. Some call it soul... energy... the life force that animates our flesh & bone... the Higher Self... connection with the Divine.
It is the fullness of an inhalation…
And it is the bottom of complete emptying.
All the Elements transform
each in a way unique to itself.
Realm of Magic, Music & Muse
This is the art of Metamorphosis, a magic act that requires drawing within, curling up in the dark, and taking a long rest (which isn't really rest at all) before emerging.
Now with wings!
This is Sublimation—elevating that which is base into the Sublime.
It is Inspiration—both the act of inhaling, and that miraculous moment of receiving a bwong on the head from the Muse.
This is the realm of imagination, music, singing, sighing, lying down with a satisfied exhalation to sleep & dream before awakening to create again.
It is the subconscious made manifest.
It is Creation incarnate.
It is the Void of Creation before the Muse speaks. In this place, anything and everything is possible. And then suddenly—aha! It is the flutter of wings and the wonder-filled gasp of an indrawn breath.
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Many of the smaller tools & toys will be explored in Notes.
You can find these on the app and the website.
Up Next: AFFIRMATIONS - From Acceptance to the Zero Point Potential of Creation
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All 5 of the Elemental Hubs gathered in one place for your bookmaking pleasure:
© 2015 Hartebeast
“It is the flutter of wings and the wonder-filled gasp of an indrawn breath.” ❤️